The Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science

Educational Approach

1A multi-disciplinary teaching staff

Instruction in common required elective subjects, and is provided
by multiple teaching staff with diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
Students are instructed by 5 or more staff members, including:

  • 1 chief supervisor
  • 2 or more assistant supervisors in charge of research
  • 2 or more assistant supervisors in charge of integrated education

※Chief and assistant research supervisors: Dissertation research
Assistant integrated education supervisors:Supervision of
non-dissertation research

2Advanced Seminars on Minors

Advanced Seminars on Minors are required elective subjects aimed at fostering a
broad perspective and multi-faceted viewpoints through instruction by faculty from
other disciplines. These seminars are taught by assistant supervisors (integrated
education) who encourage the cross-disciplinary thinking and practical skills
necessary for increasingly integrated and diverse fields.

Students obtain wide-ranging perspectives and multi-faceted viewpoints by
specialized knowledge and research methods found in other disciplines, workshops,
and practical exercises, and discussion with teaching staff from other disciplines.

Students apply the methods of other disciplines for their own dissertation research,
or use them to forge new research directions and developments, thereby advancing
and increasing the practical scope of their dissertation research.

3On-site Studies

On-site Studies aim to foster the ability to collect and use multi-dimensional data,
based on disciplinary integration and multi-disciplinary viewpoints. In addition to
acquiring wide-ranging perspectives and multi-faceted viewpoints, students acquire
the skills to collect and utilize multi-dimensional data.

For this subject, assistant supervisors (integrated education) act as chief supervisors,
while chief supervisors and assistant supervisors (research) together provide
guidance for practical activities during fieldwork or internships.

For fieldwork and internships, students obtain cross-disciplinary and integrated
specialist knowledge and the ability to collect multi-dimensional data. The students
must plan to utilize a range of settings, to explain, disseminate and share their own
specialist knowledge, thereby fostering the teaching abilities required in an academic

Three Division Policies

In accordance with the following three policies, the Division will foster practical skills based in holistic perspectives not encompassed by conventional fields, and will produce students capable of innovation and building new social designs, leading to the creation of sustainable and prosperous regional societies.

1Admissions Policy

The Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science shall select candidates on the basis of the admissions policy described below, in accordance with the principles of the graduate school, the Division’s desired candidate attributes as well as the degree conferment and curriculum policies.

  • Well-rounded and wholesome individuals who are knowledgeable about and interested in diverse disciplines in addition to their own, and are eager to take on new, constantly evolving domains by drawing on the vast knowledge and cultural refinement they possess.
  • Individuals who possess unique and creative abilities, academic knowledge that can be flexibly applied, a global perspective, and an ambition to become a leader.

2Curriculum Policy

  • Diverse specialist elective subjects, cross-program required elective, and required subjects for learning in advanced specializations shall be delivered with the aim of responding to regional and social needs. This will increase student abilities in defining and solving new problems within various fields by building on their existing broad knowledge and education.
  • The core of the curriculum shall be the production of a research dissertation in an advanced field of specialization. In order to acquire specialist knowledge to contribute to science, technology, and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI for SDGs) through research, students will undergo three years of consistent education and research supervision by their chief supervisor and multiple assistant supervisors, consisting of teaching staff from fields other than that of the students’ main specialization. Student learning shall integrate high-level specialist knowledge and skills acquired through the production of the doctoral dissertation, submission and publication in academic journals, and through presentations at international scholarly meetings and other such events.

3Degree Conferment Policy

The degrees of Doctor of Optical Science and Engineering, Doctor of Agriculture, Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of International Studies and Doctor of Arts, corresponding to the relevant fields of specialization, shall be conferred by the division in accordance with the degree conferment policy as follows:

  • Successful candidates acquire high-level research skills based on multiple perspectives and supported by wide-ranging knowledge, deep scholarship, and advanced technical mastery.
  • Successful candidates acquire essential knowledge, broad perspectives, and sound ethical perspectives as researchers within high-level advanced fields.
  • Successful candidates have a deep understanding of the role that their field of specialization plays within regions and societies, and conducts research with an awareness of problems, informed by the goal of creating sustainable societies.
  • Successful candidates are able to communicate their research findings in understandable ways and have the communication skills to widely publicize the value of their research to society.

Curriculum Overview

Overview of the curriculum at the Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science, Graduate School of Regional Development and Creativity


Research Supervision

研究指導の流れ イメージ画像

In addition to the acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills, and broad
perspectives through specialist electives and required elective subjects,
candidates undertake to research and write a dissertation under the
supervision provided within the 5 required subjects (9 credits) and
framed by the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Action’ cycle.

  • PLAN

    Year 1, Semester 1 - Advanced Exercises

    Candidates shall receive supervision by multiple teaching staff on topics required to advance their dissertation research including researcher ethics, leading to the detailed proposal of a research topic and a research plan.

  • DO

    Year 1, Semester 2 - Advanced Exercises I

    Candidates proceed with the research topic in accordance with their proposed research plan.


    End of Year 1 – 1st Interim Report 1
    (Advanced Seminar)

    Candidates report their research progress and findings, and participate in a panel regarding the validity of their research direction and future work.


    Year 2, Semester 1, Advanced Research II

    Candidates review tasks for future research based on their Year 1 findings.

  • PLAN

    Candidates reevaluate their research direction and plan in order to resolve research tasks.

  • DO

    Candidates conduct research in accordance with revised plans and develop research content.

  • DO

    Year 2, Semester 2 - Advanced Research III

    Candidates continue their research, carrying on from Advanced Research II.


    End of Year 2 – 2nd Interim Report 1
    (Advanced Seminar)

    Candidates report on their progress and findings over the year.
    At this point, it is expected that the outline of the candidate’s doctoral dissertation will largely be finished. Panel discussions at this time will focus on revisions and the remaining issues in preparation for the completion of the dissertation.


    Beginning of Year 3

    Candidates conduct final revision of their research plan, as per the above.

  • DO

    Candidates prepare for preliminary review.

Completion Requirements

As candidates work to obtain the 15 credits in the relevant program by their second year of the degree, they must communicate their research findings externally by publishing them in a scholarly paper. In their third year, candidates write their doctoral dissertation, and shall receive the relevant degree upon successfully passing the preliminary review and doctoral dissertation review.

In consideration of the Japanese language abilities of foreign students, class subjects shall either be conducted or supplemented in English where necessary.

In addition, candidates with excellent results may be permitted to complete their program early (in one year, at the earliest). Professional and working students are subject to special educational measures outlined by the Article 14 of the Graduate School Establishment Standards.

Assessment Criteria for Doctoral Dissertations

(1)Aims and Significance of the Research

The aims and significance of the research should be academically and socially innovative, be valid, and make a substantial contribution.

(2)Understanding and Presentation of Previous Research

Awareness of the problem is clear, and having systematically and comprehensively understood the previous research, the position of the research is appropriately shown.

(3)Regarding Originality

The topic is established as independent and in addition, novelty and creativity are acknowledged in the research approach analysis and arguments.

(4)Research Methodology and Materials

The research methodology is appropriately chosen based on the theme or established problem, the research is conducted based on a scientific methodology, and the materials for the arguments and results of the experiments and measurements are appropriately and sufficiently collected and leveraged.

(5)Method of Argument and Conclusion

The concepts, expressions, and points of discussion are accurate, with appropriate arguments made that lead to a conclusion that is logical and convincing, and which has academic value.

(6)Form and Appearance of the Dissertation

The construction of the dissertation follows the method of the argument, is appropriate, and citations are properly referenced based on a format commonly used in the field.

Graduate Program

The Division of Advanced Trans-disciplinary Science offers three Graduate Programs.